• H.M King Mohammed VI said on Wednesday, in speech to the nation on the 39th anniversary of the Green March, Morocco’s southern provinces were underdeveloped, really.  There were no clear lines of economy dynamics and life enjoyments. To step back to history, the provinces had been suffering until 1975.

    Through the last four decades; the government had launched territorial management projects and that standard of living for Sahraouian people has been remarkably promoted. As a result, the actions to have been undertaken for global progress in the Sahara increases costs for other regions. Costly state-funded programs executed while founding the economic starting point across the region.

    The Issue of the Sahara as a whole doesn’t concern its residents only, but remains major interest to all Moroccans. Apparently, citizens in the South are required to hardly work contributing to sustainable development pattern on the territory. Indeed, there’ll be no ways to benefiting through corruption due to tribal tendencies and political status. In this case, activists are acting in the dark, allegedly elaborating connections with enemies abroad, mainly with the Front of Polizario. Those they pretend to show themselves nationalists are threatening National security and territorial integrity.

    In addition, according to the speech, the long dispute on the Sahara has become less important to Morocco as the kingdom continues promoting its lands.  North to South, the Advanced Regionalization Project is to show additional values towards political, economic and social evolution. On the other hand, The Self Autonomy Project for the Sahara remains the high level of compromise Morocco can afford, but the authority is still open over communication and negotiation.

    To sum up, UN supporting mission to peacekeeping and negotiations supervision on the issue are greatly appreciated. Similarly, negotiating whoever part doesn’t reflect any kind of political weakness, but, otherwise, represents the kingdom’s deep intentions to peace and solidarity.





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